Our Vision
For all Coloradans to have opportunity for dignity, self-sufficiency and wealth creation.
Our Mission
Create opportunity for Coloradans to reach their fullest potential for self-sufficiency through access to entrepreneurship, meaningful employment, basic needs and an improved quality of life.
Theory of Change
Our Theory of Change outlines our strategy and the assumptions that ground our mission, vision and funding interests. Our three main funding areas – Entrepreneurship, Employment and Removing Barriers to Employment – are defined with short- and long-term outcomes with related activities, processes, theoretical assumptions and principles. The Foundation seeks to partner with organizations that help individuals and families achieve the short- and long-term outcomes in our Theory of Change.
We believe this framework provides information that guides organizations to determine mission alignment as they seek grants and program related investments from the Foundation.
Our Founder
Our founder, Kenneth King, was born in Texas and grew up and was educated in Denver. King pursued higher education in Chicago, where he attended Northwestern University. King later founded Columbia Savings and Loan Association in Colorado. From his childhood until his passing, King was heavily involved with Denver-area philanthropic groups and served on the boards of many charitable organizations, including Goodwill Industries. King’s passion for philanthropy carried through in his pioneering work in the loan industry. He always did his best to make home loans available for those who could not otherwise obtain them. Helping others, especially those less fortunate than himself, was very important to King. Toward the end of his life, he wanted a way to continue to give back to those in need and the communities that gave him so much. He founded the Kenneth King Foundation in 1990 shortly before his death to continue his life-long mission of philanthropy.
Helping others, especially those less fortunate
than himself, was very important to King.
Kenneth King’s success was based on his integrity, his entrepreneurial view of life and his constant pursuit of finding or making a way to accomplish his dreams. His friends and colleagues knew him as a resourceful, frugal, competitive and hardworking leader with excellent financial and investment knowledge. King’s entrepreneurial spirit, such as his commitment to “doing what works” and “getting the job done no matter what,” gave him the discipline to focus on setting measurable action plans in order to obtain his goals and objectives. All the while, King insisted on and ensured the very highest quality standards in leadership, management and execution.
Throughout his life, Kenneth King placed high value on individuals with qualities similar to his own: a solid work ethic, and the drive and initiative to improve their lives.
Strategic Plan
The Foundation's 2024 Strategic Plan is based on the following core objectives:
Increase quality jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities.
Reduce barriers to employment and self-sufficiency and enable wealth generation.
Sustain the Foundation’s arts and legacy grantmaking.
Visit our document library to view our Annual Reports and 990s